Here's 200 words of crappy writing, it's Thursday so might as well make it a thing.
I have been reading the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***" by Mark Manson. He pointed out somewhere in the book that somebody famous wrote 200 crappy words a day because sometimes it might spark inspiration. I'll give it a go.
It's hard being 28 and sometimes I think people older than me, forget that. I'm 28 living in Romania teaching English at the university. Not many people at 28 get to visit, let alone live, in Europe. Everyday I realize how lucky, blessed, and thankful I am to be here and doing what I do.
When I was in undergrad, I was 18 thinking I would become the next Ryan Seacrest. I took every opportunity that came my way. Did I love radio? Yes, I did. It was my passion. Waking up in the morning excited to do what I was doing... that's what I was doing. There's a phrase, "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life"... and that's what I was doing. I was so happy to come to work, the people I worked with, and the fun things I did every single day. I left it though. I left it behind. I don't know if I will ever get the chance to do radio work again, but I'm not opposed.
Now, I'm in Romania on this Fulbright Grant just trying to figure out if I can make a career with teaching English to college students. With AI and advanced technology, there are barriers, for sure. Applying to go back to school again, trying to decide if I want to stay in Romania a second year, or if I should just settle for what I already have in front of me. Recently married, but still not sure of what we want to do in life.
Being 28 is hard. Just because you're 50, doesn't take away from the hardships of your twenties.
Thursdays are for crappy writing.